Appraisal of Patient Fulfilment on Pharmacy Drug Store Administrations

Health care quality is becoming a global issue it has been going through transformation to meet the ever-increasing needs of patients. For many years, the quality of health services were being measured on the basis of professional practice standards however, taking into consideration the additional pillars of quality service indicators., patient’s perception has been predominantly becoming an important useful for measuring the quality of health care services
It is believed, therefore, that achieving the best of patient satisfaction has been set in one of the missions and vision of health institutions, besides excelling in professional practice Patient satisfaction on the quality of health service, could be viewed as a psychological congruence between an individual’s expectations and reality observed or perceived Patients’ expectations and experience subsequently to obtaining service from healthcare provider should adequately and consistently be taken into account to improve service provision as per the perception, emotion and a feeling of clients an exemplary health service provider always considers appraisal of experience on health institutions of various levels These health assess relatedness of patient satisfaction with the whole health system, to measure health system responsiveness across the different sectors
Like other components of the health system, pharmacy service is thought to be an essential indicator of health care delivery status in health institutions. It involves implementation of drug therapy management by pharmacy professional in the aspect of drug information provision to promote safe and cost effective medication use for a better therapeutic outcomes, and help medications available when needed by the clients. In addition, provision of effective pharmacy service is also crucial for early recognition & prevention of medication errors, adverse drug events and for the prevention and containment of antimicrobial resistance Evidence showed that improving patient satisfaction help maintaining maintain a good relationship with healthcare providers and adhere to medications instructions, managing their own condition and refilling medications patients give a high worth on intense socio psychological and communicative relationships with their caregivers
Thus, health facilities should work on capacity building on professionals, for instance pharmacists, to improve healthcare service delivery Service structure, processes, and outcomes more effectively In this regard, health authorities understand the patients as the best judges, who assess and provide comments in the overall quality of health care system. Ultimately, the demerits of the system might be resolved through the rectification of the system weaknesses In fact, pharmacists use feedbacks from patients to check whether the service has reached patients' needs and sort-out facets that failed to meet their expectations
The study was conducted in Felege Hiwot Comprehensive Specialized Hospital FHCSH of Bahir Dar city, Amhara regional state, Ethiopia from May 1, 2021 to October 30, 2021.Bahir Dar city is the capital city of Amhara regional state. The city located in North West of 565 kilometres away from Addis Ababa. There are three governmental hospitals in the city. FHCSH is a large institution serving Bahir Dar city and the surrounding population which accounts about 5 million. The hospital has seven admission wards internal medicine, paediatrics, gynaecology obstetrics, surgery, dentistry, psychiatry, and ophthalmology and five pharmacies outpatient pharmacy, emergency pharmacy, inpatient pharmacy store, antiretroviral treatment pharmacy, and gynecologic pharmacy . Assessment of patient satisfaction on pharmacy service was carried out in the outpatient pharmacy of the hospital.
Managing Editor
British Journal of Research